Press Releases for Alcohol testing

  • 930

    Scientists detect ‘legal high’ in oral fluid

    According to the charity Drugscope, “Khat is a stimulant drug with effects similar to amphetamine. Chewing it makes people feel more alert and talkative and suppresses the appetite, though users describe an ensuing calming effect when used over a few hours. Regular use may lead to insomnia (inability to sleep), anorexia and anxiety.

    By : | 10-12-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 930

  • 1798

    Concateno to preview new portable drug testing device at ICADTS

    The device incorporates a number of additional features and benefits, including a new ergonomic design with full colour display screen, faster collection times, and improved sensitivity for THC, allowing lower levels to be detected.

    By : | 09-17-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 1798

  • 912

    Child health expert calls for review of testing practice for parental substance misuse

    Dr Payne’s call came following her attendance as a panel member at ‘The Way Forward for Child Protection’, a seminar organised by the Westminster Education Forum and sponsored by Concateno, Europe’s most experienced drug and alcohol testing provider.

    By : | 08-10-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 912

  • 773

    Economical and Easy to Use Testing Kits from

    There are plenty of reasons why a person would be required to undergo alcohol testing, and probably the most common is to learn whether or not they have any traces of this substance in their organism prior to getting behind the wheel of a motor vehicle

    By : | 11-14-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 773